About Me

I am currently a Chemical Engineering PhD student at UC Davis where I am advised by Ambar Kulkarni. I am currently working on projects related to computational catalysis involving moleculer/atomistic scale calculations and High performance computing while applying data science/machine learning techinques for analysis. I have experience in computational catalysis, development of alternate energy systems and data science/machine learning applications in engineering.

I have a MS degree in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University during the course of which I was advised by Zachary Ulissi and a Bachelors degree from NIT Trichy. My research during my Masters focused on machine learning and data science oriented approaches to catalysis. I have worked closely with several members of the ulissi-group on projects with wide ranging applications in fields such as renewable energy, reaction efficiency and transition state searches. During my undergrad, I had the opportunity to work on research involving materials development and technology for alternate energy, and chemical plant design and safety.

In my free time I like spending time with family and friends, often watching soccer or cricket with them. I am also an avid gamer and enjoy playing real time strategy games. My favourite hobbies are reading, watching TV shows or movies (my favourite genres are Horror and Fantasy), sports and hiking.